The beauty industry promises to remain one of the most competitive for a long time. Among the trends that are anticipated and that will also drive its growth are:

  • Inclusive approaches will expand the market to new demographic groups.
  • The increase in consumer investment in high-quality products and services.
  • A change in consumer attitude from wanting to cover their imperfections to self-care.

In this sense, marketing automation becomes a fundamental tool to implement efficient strategies that help beauty salons adapt to the needs and expectations of their clients. By using FluxForce, they can automate and optimize digital marketing tasks and processes, in order to improve efficiency, productivity, and the results of their actions.

How can beauty salons make the most of FluxForce? 

With the use of our platform, beauty salons will be able to generate more leads, nurture and retain their customers, strengthen their brand, stand out in the market, and optimize their sales process. 

Below we mention some of the most relevant actions that businesses in the sector can implement using FluxForce.

Automated segmentation according to demographic characteristics 

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, inclusion will favor the opening to new market niches. In this sense, automated segmentation becomes a key tool. For example, if a salon wanted to offer a discount to its clients in Barcelona over 60 years old, using FluxForce’s Contact Lists, it would achieve it in a minute. They will be able to use and combine as many filters as they consider necessary to segment! Beyond the age we have used as an example.

Automation of appointment reminders 

Calling clients one by one to remind or confirm appointments for treatments or other aesthetic procedures? With FluxForce, beauty salons will be able to automate workflows that will free the team from manual and repetitive tasks like this, allowing them to put all their energies into other decisive activities for the business. They will have several channels for sending notifications that they can use according to their preferences and those of their clients. Email, WhatsApp, or SMS? The salon makes the decision.

Personalization of product recommendations to use, treatments for hair, skin, nail care, etc. 

To grow the number of contacts, these businesses can create and disseminate valuable content, such as ebooks, guides, tips, etc., that attract their target and encourage them to leave their data, in forms that they can also create with FluxForce, in exchange for accessing the information provided. To nurture their leads and ensure they become customers, they can create and automate an attractive lead magnet. A beauty salon that cares for its clients and helps them in their self-care will undoubtedly make a difference.

Using FluxForce’s pre-designed templates, they will be able to create attractive and personalized content. They will also have access to artificial intelligence tools that will help them perfect it in a matter of seconds. With the use of automated segmentation, they will be able to send to different lists of leads or clients personalized content such as product recommendations to use, treatments for hair, skin, and nail care, just to mention a few examples. 

Automated campaigns to promote services, treatments, products, and special offers 

Beauty salons have a lot of demand leading up to special dates, but they also have a lot of competition. Marketing automation will be an infallible ally by giving them the possibility to create and implement campaigns to promote services, treatments, products, and special offers, which will help them generate a greater number of appointments and thereby increase their sales. 

With our platform, in addition to creating valuable content, they will be able to automate multi-channel campaigns, having available for this: landing pages, emails, forms, WhatsApp, and SMS. They could even create a website simply without the need for extra expenses.

Automation of loyalty programs for VIP customers 

For beauty salons, the loyalty of their customers is paramount as it is one of the most competitive sectors in the market. In this sense, loyalty programs play a fundamental role. Rewarding those customers who have always been there throughout the life of the business is a very smart and beneficial action.

With FluxForce, they will be able to implement and automate these loyalty programs using the Lead Scoring functionality. The platform takes care of automatically assigning points to their customers according to the conditions that have been previously defined or based on services and treatments they have consumed. In this way, they could automate the sending of a special offer to all customers who have accumulated 100 points throughout the year.

Automation of congratulations 

Having such a beautiful detail as congratulating a client on their birthday is something very special and that can make a difference with your competitors. Beauty salon owners do not need to manually check each day which of their clients has a birthday, with just having this information registered in FluxForce they could automate a campaign that daily sends a congratulatory message to the birthday boys or girls or even send them a special discount several days before as a gift for their anniversary. Similarly, they could perform other similar automated actions based on a specific date.

The possibilities for beauty salons that use FluxForce are endless. Without a doubt, the use of our All-in-One Marketing Automation platform will help them increase sales and take their business to a higher level than their competitors.

To enjoy all the benefits of FluxForce, register here.